Smart Innovation with RTLS


With the Real-Time Location Service, you can increase the connectivity with participants and encourage the conative participation. With collected data, activate the event networking and improve quality for the preparation of your next event.


Monitor all the visitors and current state of the booths in real-time. We provide accurate statistics that show where people are concentrates, which booths are busy. Also, detect and prevent the unexpected situation such as vandalism or intrusion of restricted areas.

  • Visualize overall progress
  • Boost the circulation efficiency
  • Increase connectivity with participants


Visitors can get to the booth they want easily and quickly, without being lost. RTLS-based statistics give insight into the outcome of the event and help to prepare the next event efficiently.

  • Easy and accurate wayfinding
  • Offer customized solutions based on data
  • Get insight into the preparation of next events

Safety & Security

Improve your security from the physical level to the cyber level. Manage the overall situation in real-time and detect the abrupt movements. This allows the participant to feel psychologically safe and increase the level of satisfaction.

  • Detect and prevent abrupt accidents
  • A high level of data security
  • Ensure the safety of events